Chapter 8
In 1820 Anna Katarina Emmerick, an Augustinian nun bearing the "stigmata," the wound marks of Calvary mystically reproduced in her hands and feet, had some terrible visions of the future church.
"I saw again the new and odd-looking Church which they were trying to build. There was nothing holy about it...People were kneading bread in the crypt below but it would not rise. Nor did they receive the body of our Lord but only bread. Those who were in error through no fault of their own and who piously and ardently longed for the Body of Jesus were spiritually consoled but not by their communion. Then my guide said: This is Babel."
Meaning the divine liturgy in every language permeated by folk and pop culture. Inculturation the reformers called it, to present the Gospel in culturally familiar terms, whereas in fact it is adulteration and profanation of the most holy things which is a supernatural culture that is above all cultures.
"I saw how baleful would be the consequences of this false church...The local clergy grew lukewarm and i saw a great darkness...I saw many churches close down...I saw that the Church of Peter was undermined by a plan evolved by a secret sect...I saw a strange church being built against every rule...In that church nothing came from high above...there was only division and chaos. It is probably a church of human creation, following the latest fashion, as well as the heterodox church of Rome which seems of the same kind...There was nothing holy in it...I saw deplorable things: they were gambling, drinking and talking in church, they were also courting women. All sorts of abominations were perpetrated there. Priests allowed everything and said mass with much irreverence...there hardly remain a hundred or so priests who have not been deceived. They all work for destruction...I saw the Church of St Peter in ruins and the manner in which so many of the clergy were themselves busy at this work of destruction...The ecclesiastics in the inner circle looked insincere and lacking in zeal. I did not like them...Among the strangest things that I saw were long processions of bishops. Their thoughts and utterances were made known to me through images issuing from their mouths. Their faults towards religion were shown by external deformities. A few had only a body, with a dark fog instead of a head. Others had only a head, their bodies and hearts were like thick vapors. Some were lame, others were paralytics, others were asleep or staggering...In those days Faith will fall very low and it will be preserved in some places only, in a few cottages and in a few families which God has protected from disasters and wars...I see many ecclesiastics who do not seem to be concerned about it nor even aware of it. Yet they are excommunicated wherever they cooperate to enterprises, enter into associations, and embrace opinions on which an anathema has been cast. It can be seen therefore that God ratifies the decrees, orders and interdictions issued by the head of the Church and that He keeps them in force even though men show no concern for them, reject them, or laugh them to scorn...It seems to me that a concession was demanded from the clergy which could not be granted. I saw many older priests especially one who wept bitterly. A few younger ones were also weeping. But others and the lukewarm among them readily did what was demanded...I saw that many pastors allowed themselves to be taken up with ideas that were dangerous to the Church. They were building a great, strange and extravagant Church. Everyone was to be admitted in it in order to be united and have equal rights.
Transubstantiation of the Church
The clearest explanation for the rapid wholesale disappearance of the Catholic church is found in the book Iota Unum by Romano Amerio, masterfully translated into English by a reclusive Australian priest, John Parsons.
Iota Unum is a joy to read and the consolation of truth to all threatened by the tide of despair. Women of anger, men of despair, here's the antidote to pulling out your hair.
Romano Amerio: "The present decline in Catholicism towards a purely earthly system of values constitutes a substantial mutation in the nature of the religion." Substantial mutation means transubstantiation, it means something becomes something else.
The church is no longer the church but something else, a counterchurch, or an antichurch of an antichrist. There are interesting parallels between the destruction of the church and that of the temple of the first covenant at Jerusalem, which was also corrupted at the hands of its priesthood, and finally destroyed in year 70 by the soldiers of the Roman Empire doing God's will. The new covenant temple, the church, was likewise corrupted and destroyed by its own priesthood, aided and abetted by the successors of the Roman Empire, understood roughly as the Anglo-American Empire aka New Atlantis in coalition with United States of Europe aka the Office of the Antichrist Inc.
How was this done? As Amerio pointed out, by changing the essence into something completely different while retaining the accidents of outward appearances. Now when something changes in its essence, it becomes something else. Just as when a reaction takes place in a chemistry laboratory, the original substance is destroyed not in the sense of vanishing out of existence but becoming something else, another isotope or molecule.
Romano Amerio: "Those who sponsored the reforms usually denied that they amount to something approaching a fundamental change, but there is decisive evidence that this is precisely what has occurred. There are numerous statements by Protestants to the effect that the new Mass can be celebrated in conformity with their beliefs, and is thus acceptable for use at eucharistic celebrations in their own communities. Max Thurian of the Protestant Taize community has stated that one of the fruits of the new Mass will probably be: que des communities non catholiques pourrant celebrer la Sainte Cene avec the memes prieres que l'Eglise catholique: theologiquement c'est possible--La Croix 30 May 1969--that non-Catholic communities will be able to celebrate the Lord's Supper with the same prayers as the Catholic Church: theologically it is possible. The prior of Taize, Brother Roger Schutz, said: Les nouvelles prieres eucharistiques presentent une structure qui correspond a la Messe lutherienne--Itineraires December 1977--the new eucharistic prayers have a structure corresponding to that of the Lutheran Mass. In Pope Paul's New Mass, Michael Davies has shown that the new Roman rite is similar to and sometimes identical with Cranmer's Anglican Mass produced in the 16th century. It must therefore be recognised that the reform has changed a Catholic Mass that was unacceptable to Protestants into a Catholic Mass that is acceptable to Protestants. This judgment implies that there has been a profound change. Protestants are after all the best judges of what is acceptable to Protestants. Max Thurian's declaration is merely one among many of a similar kind; and the joint celebration of the eucharist by Catholic priests and Protestant ministers with only feeble opposition from the bishops confirms the fact that there has been a change in teaching." From Iota Unum by Romano Amerio. Conclusion: the Catholic Church has to all intents and purposes ceased to function if not exist.
Once There Was Unity
St.Paul: "Now I beseech you brothers that you all speak the same thing...perfect in the same mind and the same judgment." There was sanctity too. St.Paul: "Let a man so account of us as of the ministers of Christ and the dispensers of the mysteries of God. Here now it is required among the dispensers that a man be found faithful."
Today, from Pope down to parish priest, the custodians of faith and dispensers of the mysteries have lost the faith and desecrated the mysteries, they have violated the covenant and betrayed the people's trust. Jesus prophesied it. "When the Son of God returns, do you think he will find faith on Earth?" "You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt shall lose its savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is good for nothing any more but to be cast out and to be trodden on by men."
The visible, institutional church was shifted off the Rock by incumbents who cut themselves off from the Mystical Body and entered into schism from the very Church of which they were its prime minister.
St.Paul foresaw this falling away of the Gentile Church and the comcomitant "ingrafting" or return of the Jews to the spiritual Israel. He warned the Church of Rome against glorying in themselves for their already world-famous purity of faith. "Your faith is spoken of in the whole world. [But] If God has not spared the natural branches [that is, the Jews] fear lest perhaps he not spare you too...Towards you the goodness of God if you abide in goodness. Otherwise you too shall be cut off. And they also if they abide not still in unbelief will be grafted in."
Deju Vu: As Went Jews So Go Catholics
If you read the last Old Testament prophet Malachi, you start asking yourself Whom is it referring to primarily, the Jewish priests of his time or the Catholic priests of modern times?
"Cursed is the deceitful man that has in his flock a male and making a vow offers in sacrifice that which is feeble to the Lord. For I am a great King, says the Lord of hosts, and my name is dreadful among the Gentiles. And now, O you priests, this commandment is to you. If you will not hear and if you will not lay it to heart, to give glory to me name, says the Lord of hosts, I will send poverty upon you. And I will curse your blessings, yes I will curse them because you have not lain it to heart. Behold I will cast the shoulder to you and I will scatter upon your faces the dung of your solemnities. And it shall take you down with it. And you shall know that I sent you this commandment, that my covenant might be with Levi, says the Lord of hosts. My covenant was with him of life and peace, and I gave him fear, and he feared me, and he was afraid before my name. The law of truth was in his mouth and iniquity was not found in his lips. He walked with me in peace and in equity and turned many away from iniquity. For the lips of the priest shall keep knowledge and they shall seek the law at his mouth, because he is the angel of the Lord of hosts. But you have departed out of the Way and caused many to stumble at the Law: you have made void the covenant of Levi, says the Lord of hosts. Therefore have I made you contemptible and base before all the people."
Pope Buried the Fatima Message by Marian Horvat
I do not believe that any Prelate has done so much in present times to bury the Fatima message as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now Benedict XVI.
The Holy See's official response to the so-called Third Secret of Fatima released in 2000 was signed by Ratzinger and his Holy Office deputy Archbishop Bertone. It included a 40-page theological commentary by Ratzinger in which he did all he could to officially close the Fatima message. What did he say there?
First, he warned the third secret was anticlimactic, saying “no great mystery is revealed, nor is the future unveiled.” See Theological Commentary to the third part of the Secret of Fatima, in The Message of Fatima, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican website.
With this statement, he contradicted Pius XII and many high-ranking Prelates--among them Cardinals Ottaviani, Oddi, Ciappi, and Biffi--who read the secret and affirmed it revealed a Great Apostasy in the Church and other catastrophic events. See interview with well-known Italian journalist Vittorio Messori in Jesus magazine, in Mark Fellows, Fatima in Twilight.
He also contradicted his own words in a 1984 interview where he stated the secret concerned “the dangers threatening the faith and life of the Christian and therefore the world, and also the importance of the last times.”
So, to bury Fatima, Ratzinger contradicted many including himself. Then he planted doubt about Lucy’s accounts of the angels and vision of Hell, suggesting they were “images which Lucy may have seen in devotional books and which draw their inspiration from long-standing intuitions of faith.”
He questioned whether these accounts might only be “projections of the inner world of children?” So, Ratzinger cast doubt on the veracity of the entire Fatima message.
This recourse of presenting the apparition as a figment of a child’s imagination is, in my view, a very dishonest progressivist trick. Indeed, the Miracle of the Sun--witnessed by a press estimate of 70,000 people--confirmed that the children’s account was true and not imaginary.
Third, in his declarations on Fatima Ratzinger tried to deny that Our Lady was speaking of a future triumph with her prophetic words, “In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph.” What did these words mean for him? Nothing new. He deviated the theme away from a future triumph: “The fiat of Mary, the word of her heart, has changed the history of the world, because it brought the Savior into the world.”
With this, he effectively set aside the devotion to the Immaculate Heart, ignored the call for the consecration of Russia, pretended the errors of the Schismatic Church and Communism do not exist, and closed his eyes to a restoration of Christian Civilization, the Reign of Christ through Mary on earth predicted before Fatima by St.Louis de Montfort and other Saints.
Instead of working for the Reign of Mary, Pope Ratzinger continues on John Paul II’s program to implant the kingdom of man envisioned by Vatican II, following the program of the UN.
At the end of his report, Ratzinger officially consigned Fatima to the past, a story with no future relevance. As Pope, he has followed this same agenda.
The few mentions he has made of Our Lady of Fatima can be counted on the hand.
In 2005, he told “believers” to turn “with confidence to Mary,” reminding them that May 13 was the feast of the Virgin of Fatima. In 2006 he summarized the message as “an intense call to prayer and conversion.” In 2007, he refused the invitation to go to Fatima for the 90th anniversary celebration, and simply asked people to pray the Rosary for peace at the October 7 Angelus. This year, he said nothing.
It is as if the greatest event of the 20th century--Our Lady coming to earth to warn mankind of a terrible punishment and of her triumph--would be no more than a children's tale.
A great act of oblivion, this is the “homage” Pope Ratzinger offered to Our Lady of Fatima this October 13. It brings to my mind the words of Cardinal Ciappi about the secret: “A great apostasy that will begin at the top.”
Fatima Vision: But I Did Not Shoot No Deputy
At the left of our Lady and a little above, we saw an Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand. Flashing, it gave out flames that looked as though they would set the world on fire. But they died out in contact with the splendour that our Lady radiated towards him from her right hand. Pointing to the earth with his right hand, the Angel cried out in a loud voice: Penance! Penance! Penance! And we saw, in an immense light that is God, something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it, a Bishop dressed in White. We had the impression that it was the Holy Father. Other bishops, priests, men and women religious going up a steep mountain, at the top of which there was a big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a cork-tree with the bark; before reaching there the Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way; having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way there died one after another the other bishops, priests, men and women religious, and various lay people of different ranks and positions. Beneath the two arms of the Cross there were two Angels each with a crystal aspersorium in his hand, in which they gathered up the blood of the Martyrs and with it sprinkled the souls that were making their way to God.
Comment: What does one see in a mirror? One's self. If what is seen in the mirror is a bishop in white and if a bishop in white signifies a pope and if the one telling the prophecy was a deputy of the pope who five years later became pope himself, has Pope Benedict foretold his own death? Is that symbolic of how he helped to betray the Church? He who despises you despises me. He who curses you shall be cursed.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
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